Aug 2013


Employer’s Checklist for NERA Inspections

Below you will find a handy employer’s checklist for a NERA (National Employment Rights Authority) inspection:

1. Do you have your employer’s registration number with the Revenue Commissioners?

2. Have you a list of all your employees together with their PPS numbers and addresses?

3. Have you the dates of commencement of employment for all employees? (And dates of termination if applicable?)

4. Have you given all your employees a written statement of terms and conditions of employment?

5. Have you the employees’ job classification?

6. Have you a record of their annual leave and public holidays taken by each employee?

7. Have you a record of hours worked for all employees?

8. Have you a record of all payroll details?

9. Can you prove that you provide your employees with a written statement of pay?

10. Have you a record or register of all employees under the age of 18?

11. Have you employment permits where applicable?

12. Have you filled out the template letter details that you will receive from NERA advising you of the inspection?

Bright Contracts – Employment contracts and handbooks
BrightPay – Payroll Software

Posted byAnn TigheinContract of employmentEmployment ContractNERAPayroll

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