Sep 2013


Kite Flying prior to Irish Budget

A new report presented to Social Welfare Minister Joan Burton recommends the PRSI rate for self employed and proprietary directors should go up from current rate of 4% to 5.5% to fund extra social benefits for those who work for themselves.

The higher PRSI rate would be used to fund the paying of long-term illness and disability benefits for the self employed, which are not available to those who work for themselves at the moment.

However, the higher PRSI payment that the advisory group recommends for all the self-employed to pay for disability benefits, is set to be opposed by business group ISME The report also states that it would provide a safety net for those who want to start a business.

The cabinet has approved publication of the report, however it remains unclear if the recommendations will form part of next month's budget.

Posted byAnn TigheinPAYEPayroll

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