Oct 2013



LPT 2013 (half year charge) is still quite topical but LPT 2014 (full year charge) is fast approaching!!!

The liability date for LPT 2014 is the 1st November 2013 - if you own a residential property on the 1st November 2013 you are liable for LPT 2014.

Key Dates for LPT 2014

  • 1st January – 31st December 2014

Phased payments e.g. deduction at source from salary will continue

  • 1st January 2014

If paying in full by cash, payment must be made by 1st January 2014

  • 15th January – 15th December 2014 

Direct Debits will continue

  • 21st March 2014

Single Debit Authority payment deducted

Payment method for 2014:

If you paid your 2013 LPT liability by a phased payment method e.g. deduction at source, direct debit this payment method will automatically apply for 2014 and subsequent years.  There is no requirement to notify Revenue of your payment method for 2014 unless you wish to select a different payment method.

If you chose a different payment method in 2013 e.g. Credit/Debit Card, you must confirm your payment method for 2014 by:

  • 7th November 2013 (by paper)
  • 27th November 2013 (on-line)

In the case of Credit/Debit Card Payments, the full amount will be charged to the card on the day you select this payment method for paying your 2014 LPT liability.  This would mean the latest date for paying using this method would be the 27th November 2013

Full details can be found on Revenue’s website


Posted byAudrey MooneyinLPTPayroll Software

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