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Jan 2014


Payroll Tax Tip – January 2014

Employers don’t miss your P35 deadline!!!!

The deadline for the 2013 P35 is 15th of February 2014. The extended date for ROS customers who pay & file on line is 23rd February 2014.

Important Points:

  • All persons in your employment during the tax year, including those who left, must be included on the P35
  • Where an employee’s PPS number is not known, it is important to include the employee’s address and date of birth
  • Care should be taken to ensure PPS numbers are correct
  • Only one entry should be made for each employee

There are severe penalties for failure to lodge end of year returns within the time provided. A delay in lodging the P35 return may cause employees unnecessary difficulty and delay when claiming Social Welfare benefits.

Form P60s

Between 1st of January and 15th of February, employers must give their employees a P60, showing Total Pay, Tax and PRSI contributions etc for the year ended 31st of December.

All employees in your employment on 31st of December should be provided with a P60. If an employee ceases employment on 31st December they should be given a form P45 and a form P60.

Revenue no longer issue P60 stationery, employers can print P60s for their employees from Thesaurus Payroll Manager/BrightPay onto blank stationery.

P35 FAQs can be found on Revenue’s website

Posted byAudrey MooneyinPayrollPayroll Software