Sep 2014


Irish Employers - show your staff your appreciation!

Have you employees with 20 plus years of service? If so why not say thank you with a gift.

Revenue Commissioners offer tax relief on long service awards, which is considered to be at least 20 years of service. Tax relief on long service awards can be in addition to the small benefit exemption.

Employers can reward employees for long service with tangible articles with a value up to a maximum of €50 per year of service, starting at 20 years of service and every 5 years thereafter.

20 years of service – value up to €1,000
25 years of service – value up to €1,250
30 years of service – value up to €1,500
35 years of service – value up to €1,750

The award must be a tangible article e.g. a gold watch, it does not apply to awards made in cash.

Tax will not be charged provided:

• The cost to the employer does not exceed €50 per year of service

• The award is made in respect of service not less than 20 years

• No similar award has been made to the recipient within the previous 5 years

Where any of the conditions are not met PAYE, PRSI & USC must be applied on the full amount.

This concession applies to directors as well as employees.

Full details can be found on Revenue’s website

Posted byAudrey MooneyinPayroll Software

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