May 2015


IPASS - Annual Payroll Conference

IPASS (IRISH PAYROLL ASSOCIATION) held their annual payroll conference in Croke Park on the 21st May. Paul Byrne and Audrey Mooney from Thesaurus Software Limited attended the conference. They enjoyed meeting the other exhibitors, the delegates and listening to the guest speakers. The speakers included Lindsay Melvin the CEO of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP), John Kelly from the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA), representatives from Revenue and Department of Social Protection (DSP).

It was also an opportunity to show our payroll product BrightPay which is available for Irish and UK payroll. BrightPay is a simple but powerful payroll software package that makes managing payroll quick and easy. It is designed for small to medium sized businesses, accountants and other payroll bureau providers.

BrightPay Ireland can be downloaded from

BrightPay UK can be downloaded from

BrightPay installs as a trial version, which you can use licence free for 60 days at no cost.

Thank you and congratulations to Noelle Quinn and the IPASS team for another successful and enjoyable annual conference.

Posted byAudrey MooneyinEventsPayroll Software

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