Jan 2018


How will PAYE Modernisation affect your payroll bureau? Only 10 Places Left!!!

Revenue are joining Thesaurus Software for a series of free, CPD accredited webinars detailing what you need to know about PAYE Modernisation.


How will PAYE Modernisation affect your payroll bureau?

There are just 10 places left for our next webinar which takes place this Thursday! With almost 1,000 accountants and payroll bureaus already registered, this is your last chance to register. 


  • An introduction to PAYE Modernisation including recent changes
  • What direct effect will this have on employers?
  • What direct effect will this have on employees?
  • What are the possible downsides for employers?
  • Revenue’s delivery schedule 
  • The role out of PAYE Modernisation in the UK
  • Processing manually or using payroll software?
  • The letter of engagement
  • How will PAYE Modernisation affect your payroll service
  • Communicating these changes to your clients. 

Don’t miss out - book your place now!!


Payroll Bureaus: Getting Ready for PAYE Modernisation
The next webinar in the series takes place in March where there will be a key focus on what payroll bureaus need to do to prepare for PAYE Modernisation.

Find out more | Register now


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We have lots more webinars scheduled over the coming months. Don’t miss out - make sure to sign up to our newsletter today! You will have the option to unsubscribe at any time.


Thesaurus Payroll Manager | BrightPay Payroll Software


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Posted byRachel HynesinPAYE ModernisationPayroll Software

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