Nov 2018


BrightPay will be ready for PAYE Modernisation

Thesaurus & BrightPay are working with Revenue to ensure our payroll software can easily cater for the needs of PAYE Modernisation which will be effective from 1 January 2019. Our payroll features will streamline real time reporting for employers to easily comply with the new PAYE system.

PAYE Modernisation will enable Revenue to ensure employees are receiving their correct tax credits and cut-off points throughout the year. This compares with the current PAYE reporting which is done through P35s on a yearly basis. PAYE Modernisation will be fully integrated with both Thesaurus & BrightPay, allowing employers to simplify the payroll process and reduce the administrative cost.

Our development team have already experienced what it was like to implement real time processing and reporting with our UK payroll software. Our understanding and knowledge will guarantee that our payroll systems offer a seamless and user-friendly PAYE Modernisation process for our customers.

We are currently running PAYE Modernisation demos several times a week. Take a look and see what PAYE Modernisation will look like in 2019.

Register for our free 10 minute demo!

Free Guide for Payroll Bureaus

PAYE Modernisation: The ins & outs of increasing frees without losing clients.

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Click here to register and find out more about our upcoming PAYE Modernisation webinars.

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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byHolly McHughinPAYE Modernisation

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