Dec 2018


Rewarding your staff has never been easier

Your business can’t function without your employees, which is why it’s so important to keep them all happy. Rewarding employees and recognising their dedication is directly linked with loyalty, increased morale and motivation in the workplace.

With Thesaurus payroll software and One4all, it’s never been easier to say thank you to your employees. Thesaurus Payroll Manager customers can purchase gift cards directly from the payroll dashboard from One4all.

Under the small benefits exemption scheme, employers can reward each of their employees with up to €500 completely tax-free each year. The payment must be non-cash so naturally, gift cards provide a great solution.

Thesaurus Payroll Manager will track employer usage, per employee to ensure employers keep within revenue guidelines for the small benefits exemption scheme.

There are specific conditions to qualify for the non-cash or gift card payment which you can read here

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BrightPay Payroll Software | Thesaurus Payroll Software


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