Dec 2019


The 7 Unmistakable Benefits of Client Payroll Entry

BrightPay Connect is now even better than ever before. Bureau customers who use the cloud add-on now have the ability to send requests to clients through the secure portal. Requests can be sent to get client approval of the payroll summary before the payroll is finalised or to ask clients to upload their employees’ timesheets and payments, known as Client Payroll Entry.

With the new client request features, payroll bureaus can benefit from a reduced workload, increased efficiency, improved GDPR compliance and much more.

  • Reduce your workload - By requesting employee timesheets from clients, bureaus can simply click a button to pre-populate the hours and payment information for their client’s employees, reducing the workload and manual data entry associated with running the payroll for your clients.
  • Improve GDPR compliance - With the client payroll entry feature, clients can send payroll information containing sensitive personal data through a secure portal instead of sending it via email which would be less secure. The payroll summary can also be sent back to the client for approval through the portal before the payroll is finalised, adding an additional layer of GDPR protection to your client’s data.
  • Reduce administration - Clients have the ability to add a new employee. Here the client must add all basic details required for processing the payroll, such as the new employee’s PPS number, date of birth, PRSI class etc. Once accepted by the bureau, the new employee is automatically added to the payroll software, eliminating the need for the bureau to gather this information from the client and manually set up the employee in the payroll software.
  • Eliminate the risk of errors - Manual data entry comes with the additional risk of human error. By requesting the client to enter the data, then synchronising the data with the payroll software, bureaus will be eliminating this risk associated with manual data entry.
  • Client responsibility - By getting the client to enter the employee payments and approve the payroll run before being finalised, bureaus can take less responsibility for errors and mistakes that occur, with the ultimate responsibility on the client for accuracy of data. There’s also an automated audit trail of users and timestamps of when the various requests were sent and submitted.
  • Attract new clients - With less time spent on processing client’s payroll, bureaus will have more time to spend on attracting new clients and being able to cater for an increased number of clients. You will also be able to cater for more complex payroll clients, as the responsibility for entering the payments for irregular employees can be placed on the client themselves.
  • Increase efficiency - Overall, bureaus can increase the efficiency of their practice. With less time spent on mundane administrative tasks such as entering employee hours and making corrections to the payroll and an increase in clients, you will be guaranteed to be running your practice much more efficiently and profitably.

Click here to find out more or book an online demo of BrightPay Connect to see how the new client entry features will work.

Posted byRachel HynesinBrightPay ConnectPayroll

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