Feb 2022


BrightPay Customer Update: February 2022

Welcome to BrightPay's February update. Our most important news this month include:

Webinar: Updated EWSS guidance  

Register for our upcoming webinar on 4th February at 2.00 pm where we will be joined by guest speakers from the Revenue Commissioners to discuss the upcoming changes to the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) which will take effect on 1st February 2022.

Integrate with Surf Accounts 

BrightPay’s latest API integration with Surf Accounts allows both the payroll software and the accounting software to directly communicate with each other to upload the payroll journal seamlessly. This eliminates the need to manually export and import the file, ensuring no manual data entry errors occur.

Protect your business from data loss  

It is essential that you backup your payroll data to protect your business, your clients, and their employees. Backups protect against hardware failure, virus attacks, natural disasters, and human error. BrightPay Connect will automatically backup your payroll data to a secure server every 15 minutes. 

Pay employees through BrightPay 

Get greater flexibility when paying employees with BrightPay’s payments partner, Modulr. Schedule payments in advance or make last-minute changes at the click of a button as you can make same-day payments when processed before 2 pm.

Keep up to date with us 

In 2021 we hired 40 fantastic employees and we are looking to hire more. Follow Thesaurus Software on LinkedIn to keep up to date on company news, industry insights, and all our latest job postings. 

Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

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