May 2022


5 benefits AccountancyManager can bring to your business

Accountancy Manager has recently become part of Bright, provider of BrightPay, one of Ireland’s leading providers in accounting and payroll solutions.

AccountancyManager is an award-winning cloud-based practice management software that has taken the accountancy industry by storm. They automate the most time-consuming tasks for accountants and bookkeepers, so you can spend time on more important tasks at hand.

Their fully customisable management solution allows you to automate your admin and easily import and onboard clients in a jiffy. In just five years of business, it has become one of the UK’s leading onboarding and practice management software. Read more about the history of AccountancyManager here.

Due to the fast-paced nature of the industry, on top of the demand for practice management and process automation, Bright will now provide accountants, bookkeepers and businesses with an end-to-end suite of award-winning software.


What benefits does this merger offer accountants and bookkeepers?

This merger will provide AccountancyManager with access to additional resources, allowing them to continue investing and improving their products and services to exceed customer expectations.

AccountancyManager offers a wide scope of features for accountants, bookkeepers and businesses. These include but are not limited to:


1. Automated client emails and texts

With AccountancyManager you can say goodbye to chasing up client emails. All you have to do is create the email templates for the services you provide, and tell the system when and how often you’d like them to be sent. AccountancyManager will do all the work for you by sending them automatically, making sure they go to the right clients, at the right time.


2. Automate task management

Keep your team organised with AccountancyManager’s automatically generated task lists. These task lists are fully customisable and can be tailored to each member of your team. Each task can be broken down further, with the ability to prioritise importance and are track tasks with ease.


3. Onboarding

AccountancyManager automates your entire client onboarding process. This includes automating proposals and letters of engagements, professional clearance emails, AML checks and risk assessments.


4. Client Portal

Your clients will have access to a free online portal when you join AccountancyManager. In this portal, they can upload and sign documents via e-signatures, as well as having the ability to update their personal details and check deadlines.


5. Profitability

With AccountancyManager, you can track staff costs against your client revenue to see which jobs are the most (and least) profitable for your business. This allows you to identify your strongest profit sources as well as providing you with the opportunity to view revenue, cost of labour, hours, budget profit and actual profit.


*Bonus benefit* Notifications

AccountancyManager keeps you fully informed and up-to-date by notifying you when:

  • Clients upload or sign documents
  • Complete forms or update their details
  • Deadlines are approaching
  • New tasks are assigned to you
  • Any changes made to your tasks

The Client Timeline also keeps a record of every call, text, and email sent, as well as whether or not your client has opened your email.

For further information on the features AccountancyManager can provide your business, please visit the website.


“I have been very impressed with the product offering and the reputation of AccountancyManager and I am delighted that they are joining forces with us. Our respective businesses share the same philosophy; placing the customer journey above all else. Together, we will be well positioned to make that journey even better. I am also delighted to welcome Kevin and James to our highly talented leadership team.”

- CEO of Bright, Paul Byrne


Is AccountancyManager integrated with BrightPay?

This merger won’t be affecting your use of BrightPay payroll software, however now that we are all part of Bright, one of the leading providers of payroll and accounting software in the UK and Ireland, it does present an opportunity for us to explore these options further. So watch this space!

Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinNews

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