Dec 2022


BrightPay year-end payroll checklist

Now that 2023 is almost upon us, let’s get you up to speed on your year-end duties. Here are some final things to note, and some common questions that’ve come in, so you can have your payroll software all set and ready to go for January.

Download BrightPay 2023

You can purchase your licence for the new tax year by simply logging into your BrightID. From here, go to ‘Licences’ and ‘purchase a desktop licence key’. Just select the type of licence you require, select a payment method, enter your billing details, and you’ll be emailed your licence key. To download the software for the new tax year, click here.


Import data from previous software

Once you’ve downloaded the 2023 software, on the open screen, select Import Employer(s) > Choose import from BrightPay 2022 and click Open. If you have more than one employer file, highlight all and then click 'Open'. BrightPay will let you know when the import’s complete.


Get your year-end summary report

Year-end summary reports are available in BrightPay under Analysis > Year to Date, and choose ‘Tax Year’ as your period type.

No P60s and P35s needed – employees just access their EDS
P60s are no longer used as of 2019, and have been replaced with Employment Details Summary (EDS). This is essentially a summary of an employee’s pay, income tax, USC, PRSI and LPT and is available for to access, print or save through Revenue’s myAccount. We advise that employees wait until after the 15th of January to access their EPS, as employers can make corrections on them up until this date.

P35s are also no longer used, and have been replaced with PSRs that are submitted each pay period through your payroll software to Revenue.

When will 2023 RPNS be available?

RPNs for next year will be available in December 2022, but won’t be updated in real time until 2023. If an employee’s payment date is 2023, you must use 2023 RPN as a 2022 RPN can’t be used in 2023. We advise payroll processors to not make payroll submissions with a 2023 pay date until the RPNs are available, as emergency tax will apply.

What is a ‘Week 53’ and do I have one?

A ‘Week 53’ is when there’s an extra day in the tax year and a pay day falls on the 31st of December or, in a leap year, on the 30th or 31st of December, and is not the employee’s normal payday.

It only applies to employees who are paid weekly (53 weekly payments) fortnightly (27 fortnightly payments) or every four weeks (14 four-week payments) pay days in the year.

If a ‘Week 53’ payment applies to an employee, PAYE Regulations state that the employers should use the latest RPN to apply an extra pay period’s Tax Credit and Cut-Off Points, and deduct Income Tax and USC on a Week 1 basis.

Your payroll software should automatically apply the ruled outlined above. Just make sure to run ‘Week 53’ as a separate payroll run to other pay periods, so the is submitted with the correct payment date to Revenue. BrightPay will know by your payment schedule if a week 53 is applicable and will only offer it if it’s required to do so.

Please note that if an employee's normal pay day has changed during this tax, additional USC cut off points don’t apply. To let the software know and prevent these extra USC cut off points from being allocated, go to Employees > Select the employee > Click their Revenue Details tab> Tick Exclude the employee from the week 53/54/56 USC concession box > Save changes.

What if an employee's pay straddles between two tax years?

If an employee’s pay straddles between two tax years, credits and rate bands cannot be given in advance. So if an employee is receiving two weeks of pay on the 23rd of December this year for the following two Mondays on the 26th December and 2nd January, the payment date must be reported as December 23rd using the credits and rates from week 52. They will then receive the benefits of two weeks’ credits and rate bands in week 2 of 2022. ‘Week 53’ will not apply to this situation and if attempted, will result in underpayments to employees.

Here at BrightPay, we work hard behind the scenes to ensure our payroll software has all the latest updates, and is simple and easy to use. For all the latest payroll trends and news, subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Interested in learning about our cloud extension, BrightPay Connect? With our cloud-extension, you have access to a self-service dashboard, an employee app, an annual leave management tool and much more. Book a demo today to see what you’re missing.

Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinPayrollPayroll Software

Nov 2022


Security alert! 5 steps to protect your payroll data

Cyber-security is a serious matter and should be at the forefront of any business. This is especially important for accounting firms and payroll bureaus as they process sensitive personal and financial data. Almost everything is stored online and accessible at your fingertips, so just how safe is your clients’ payroll data and their employees’ payslips? Here are five simple steps you can implement to start improving the security of your payroll data today.


Where is your payroll data stored?

When you process your clients’ payroll, do you know where the data gets stored? A recent study by IPASS and Intelligo showed that 14% of Irish payroll processors don't know where their data is stored. Whether it’s stored to an external hard drive or on your computer’s hard drive, either of these options can pose security threats. What would happen if your laptop was stolen? Or if your computer was hacked? It’s important more than ever nowadays to store such data on a platform that has both the credibility and reputation behind it, to ensure your clients’ payroll data is kept safe and secure at all times.

On top of that, are your clients' employees' payslips as secure as they could be? For example, do you manually send them via email or print them out in the office? These can both pose security risks and could result in a data breach. From emailing a payslip to the wrong person, to someone around the office viewing a payslip without the employee's expressed permission.


Store important payroll reports out of harm’s way

Payslips aren’t the only thing bureaus and accountants should be worried about. Payroll reports also contain sensitive data, that if exposed to the wrong person, could have detrimental effects. There are users across the internet who are constantly trying to access such information too. For example, for Irish payroll processors:

  • 31% have received correspondence from people impersonating employees
  • 26% have been targeted in phishing scams
  • 57% feel they have been targeted in some way


Let clients’ employees access their data themselves

We are all human and we all make mistakes. Have you ever sent the wrong payslip to an employee, or sent an email to the wrong client? All it takes is one click or one download to expose your client’s data to the wrong users. That’s why one of the best ways you can improve security is by letting clients and clients’ employees have more access to their own payroll information.

Did you know that 7% of enquiries from Irish employees are to check their holiday balance and 10% are because they have forgotten the password for their emailed payslip? Introducing a tool to clients such as an employee app can allow their employees to access payslips 24/7, which aligns with GDPR best practices and saves you time in the long run as you no longer need to deal with such enquiries.


Have better support in place for hybrid working clients

Now that 18% of payroll processors are working either remote or hybrid models, this leaves more risk for data such as payslips, employee details and other sensitive information to be sent to the wrong emails or exposed to the wrong people. Putting a system in place that can prevent these data breaches can help boost the security of your clients' payroll data and save your bureau’s reputation.

An example of such a system could be letting clients enter any updated payroll information to a secure online portal, each pay period. This allows the client to securely enter their employees’ hours, any additions or deductions, add any new starter details, for that pay period. It’s all done through an online portal too, where the client can enter these details from anywhere. This reduces the likelihood of clients’ payroll data being exposed to unauthorised users via email, WhatsApp, or paper-based files laying around the office.


Follow GDPR best practices

If you’re wondering does sending an employee’s payslip to the wrong email address count as a data breach, the short answer is yes. GDPR breaches are more common than you may think, and regardless of whether you’re aware of it or not – every business across the nation is at risk. For example, in 2020, Tusla became the ever first Irish company to be given a fine for a GDPR rule breach and it cost the company €75,000.

Data breaches range in severity and not only threaten your client’s payroll data safety, but also your bureau’s reputation. Here are some common examples of data breaches:

  • Sending one of your client’s reports to another client, without their expressed permission
  • Your computer gets stolen and client information is leaked to unauthorised third parties
  • Staff’s personal information is altered without their expressed permission

Letting staff have more control over their personal data, by using tools such as employee apps, and providing clients with transparency on where and how their data is stored aligns with GDPR best practices.


Which payroll software is best for security?

All of the issues mentioned above can be dealt with by using BrightPay’s cloud extension, BrightPay Connect. With BrightPay Connect, your data is backed up to a secure Microsoft Azure server, where your clients and their employees have access to their own data through a self-service employer dashboard and a self-service employee app. You can also:

  • Automatically back up clients’ data, while you work
  • Provide clients access to a payroll and HR portal, where their employees can access payslips and HR documents securely from their smartphones
  • Integrate your payroll software with a wide variety of accounting software and pension providers

BrightPay is a multi-award-winning payroll software and one of Ireland’s leading providers of payroll software for accountants. Why not sign up for a free 15-minute demo of our cloud extension, BrightPay Connect, to see how it can improve your online security today.

Aug 2022


BrightPay Customer Update: September 2022

Welcome to BrightPay's September update. Our most important news this month include:

Free Webinar: Statutory Sick Pay

Join our free webinar on the 6th of September, where we will be sharing everything you need to know on Statutory Sick Pay, and other Irish Employment Law legislation changes for 2022. Once the new sick leave law has commenced, employees will be entitled to 3 paid sick days per year.

Integrate your payroll & payments process [bureau]

Payroll and payment workflows can be a headache for accountants and their clients. Join our free webinar on the 13th of September, where we will demonstrate BrightPay’s integration with payment platform, Modulr. Pay employees directly through BrightPay, saving you time and eliminating manual work.

Streamline your payroll workflow like never before [employer]

Join our webinar on the 6th of September at 10.00 am to discover 5 key ways you can boost the speed of your payroll process, from start to finish. From streamlining your annual leave management, to automatic payroll data backups.

Boost productivity through automation [bureaus]

How can your practice boost productivity? In tomorrow’s webinar, we'll look at how automating data extraction can improve your productivity, save you time, and allow you to focus more on what matters in your practice.

Simplify and speed up your accounting processes [employers]

Incorrect invoices, missing receipts and late payments; bookkeeping can certainly be a nightmare - but does it have to be? Surf Accounts, a cloud-based accounting software, can simplify and speed up your accounting processes.

Free guide: How to price payroll profitably [bureaus]

It can be difficult to offer payroll profitably to clients, as they can often see payroll as a simple, almost automatic task. This is of course, far from the truth, but how can you offer payroll profitably and do so confidently? We explain how, in this free guide.

6 ways to boost the speed of your payroll [employers]

Tasks such as annual leave management, distributing payslips and backing up your payroll data can often be quite tedious and time-consuming. In this free guide, we’ll zoom in on 6 exciting ways cloud technology can help boost your payroll processes today.

5 ways to support hybrid-working clients [bureaus]

Did you know that four out of five people no longer want to work in the office five days a week? Many companies are now looking for more long-term hybrid working solutions. Here are 5 ways you can support and enhance these working models for your clients.

How the cloud can improve your business’ security [employers]

All it takes is one accidental download or a mistyped email address to expose employees’ confidential payroll data to the wrong person. In our recent blog, we discuss three features your payroll software needs to ensure the complete security of your employees’ payroll data.


Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinCustomer Update

Aug 2022


5 ways client dashboards benefit hybrid-working models

Did you know that four out of five people no longer want to work in the office five days a week? Hybrid working models have gained huge popularity over the past two years, with many companies now looking for more long-term hybrid working solutions.

This new way of working changes your clients' days-to-day operations, including tasks related to payroll and HR. As a bureau, you can offer your clients access to technology that can help streamline payroll and HR processes, as they and their employees work remotely.

From online security to employee communications, it can be difficult to know where to start and which payroll software to choose. BrightPay Connect, the cloud-extension of BrightPay, offers a client dashboard, which can be a powerful tool in the payroll mix, helping you stand out from competitors when it comes to your service offering. Here are five key ways client dashboards can support and enhance your clients’ hybrid working models.


1. Gives clients’ more control over their payroll

Sending payroll data back and forth to clients can be both frustrating and time-consuming, between tiresome phone calls and never-ending email threads. That’s why client dashboards allow you to send payroll information seamlessly to your clients, which they can then approve. The client also has the option to enter any payroll information for that period, such as adding additions or deductions to employees’ pay, or new starter details. Once the person who processes the payroll is happy with the payroll information, they can then approve it, and it will flow directly back to the payroll software.

Clients can also access their dashboard from anywhere at any time, with multi-user access. This means that multiple users in the company can access the client dashboard, whether they work in the office or remotely. This saves you time, while also giving your clients more control of their payroll, allowing them to have the final say, before payslips are distributed.


2. Increases your clients’ online security

When you’re processing payroll, you’re dealing with important financial and personal data. If your computer was to be stolen or hacked by ransomware, your bureau could be liable for breaching data protection regulations. This can result in costly fines that could potentially damage client relationships, and the reputation of your practice.

Client dashboards increase your GDPR compliance by giving clients more control over their data. This means that any sensitive information, such as reports or payslips, no longer have to be sent by email, reducing the likelihood of a data breach occurring. This also allows employees to access their payslip history themselves via the employee app, eliminating the need for clients to locate and send sensitive files to staff via email. Having the ability to automatically backup your payroll data to the cloud, improves clients’ online security even further.


3. Sharing documents online made easy

When your clients are sharing important HR documents with their employees, such as contracts of employment, or sharing reports with senior management, there’s a chance of these documents getting lost – or worse – getting sent to the wrong person.

Having all of these documents in one centralised hub makes it easy to share documents with multiple employees at the same time, no matter if they’re located in the office or working remotely. It also reduces the likelihood of unauthorised people accessing them. Customising access to specific documents, as well as viewing who has and who hasn’t read each document, is all available through the client dashboard. This streamlines many HR processes for clients, as well as supporting their long-term hybrid working models.


4. Gives clients’ employees a more interactive online working experience

When using the employee app, employees have a much more immersive and interactive online working experience. Between accessing their payslips, reading important documents and updating personal details (i.e. address and contact details) at the tap of a button. It also reduces your clients’ admin work and paper road in the long run.


5. Makes annual leave a breeze for both clients and employees

Whether your client has 10 or 10,000 employees, managing annual leave can be overwhelming, especially coming into the summer months. Having an online, user-friendly tool for annual leave is the key to building a sustainable hybrid working model. BrightPay Connect’s client dashboard gives your clients the ability to view all of their employees’ annual leave through an easy-to-use calendar format where they can simply approve/deny these requests. Employees can also benefit with the ability to submit annual leave requests on the go through the employee app.

Visit the BrightPay Connect client hub which contains information on the benefits of BrightPay Connect. The page can be sent to clients as a way of educating them on BrightPay Connect, as well as giving them helpful information on how to get started using the online platform.


Interested in learning more about BrightPay Connect? Why not sign up for a free 15-minute demo. Our software is award-wining, having recently won ‘Payroll and HR Software of the Year 2021’, with over 350,000 businesses across Ireland and the UK using our products. We send emails on a regular basis, keeping bureaus just like yours up to date on all the latest payroll news, trends and changes. Sign up for our newsletter here.


Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinHybrid Working

Jul 2022


BrightPay Customer Update: August 2022

Welcome to BrightPay's August update. Our most important news this month include:

Free Webinar: Are you making these pricing mistakes when it comes to payroll? [bureau]

It’s 2022, payroll can (and should) be a profitable service. In our upcoming webinar, we’ll be sharing the biggest mistakes accountants make when pricing payroll services, and 4 strategies you can implement to expand your client base and increase profit.

Free webinar: Top tips to keep your payroll and accounting systems aligned [employers]

Manually transferring payroll journal data to the general ledger in your accounting software can be tedious, time-consuming and can lead to errors. In next week’s webinar, discover how you can send payroll journals directly from BrightPay to the general ledger in accounting software, Surf Accounts, in just a few clicks.

Save time and reduce errors with an online client dashboard [bureau]

With BrightPay Connect’s online client dashboard, you can send your clients a summary of their payroll information, each pay period. Your clients can then make any changes to their employees' payroll or they can approve it. To learn how you can save time and reduce payroll errors, why not book a free 15-minute demo of BrightPay Connect.

How the cloud can improve your business’ security [employer]

Securing your business’ data should be your top priority. All it takes is one mistake for important data to end up in the wrong hands. Read our latest blog to discover 3 features of cloud payroll solutions that could help protect your business’ data.

How to prioritise compliance [bureaus]

How can you ensure all financial statements are automatically in line with the latest tax and legislative requirements? Surf Accounts Production has a dedicated compliance team in place to manage the complexity of compliance obligations.

Get paid faster with Surf Accounts [employers]

Sharpen up your billing process by using customisable templates, setting up recurring invoices, and by quickly converting quotes and orders to invoices. Save even more time by using the Surf Accounts app, and work from anywhere.

Strengthen client relationships by improving communication [bureaus]

The relationship between the client and the professional is no longer one-directional. What software has created is a new collaborative framework in which the payroll professional can thrive.

Payroll: There's an app for that [employers]

Improve employee satisfaction and make your life easier by introducing an employee app with powerful features. Employees can access the app securely, using their smartphone or tablet, from anywhere with an internet connection.

Employee paid sick leave: What you need to know

As of the 20th of July 2022, the Sick Leave Bill 2022 became law. Once the law is commenced, all Irish workers will be entitled to paid sick leave. The new scheme is to be phased in over four stages, over the next four years.


Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinCustomer Update

Jul 2022


Employee paid sick leave: What you need to know

As of the 20th of July 2022, the Sick Leave Bill 2022 became law. Once the law is commenced, all Irish workers are entitled to paid sick leave. It will be introduced to all workplaces across Ireland and will be phased in over four stages, over the next four years.

Unlike most of Europe, before this Bill was enacted, Ireland had no statutory paid sick leave scheme. This new law now aligns us more with the European standard of paid sick leave.

How much leave are employees entitled to?

Once the law is commenced, employees are now entitled to a maximum of 3 paid sick days per year and will be paid 70% of their normal wage for each paid sick day taken. This payment will be made by their employers, with a maximum limit of €110 to be paid per sick day taken.

The government’s plan is to increase the number of sick days covered to a maximum of five days in 2024, seven days in 2025, and 10 days in 2026.

Which employees are entitled to sick pay?

To qualify for paid sick leave, an employee must:

  • Be working for their employer for a minimum of 13 weeks.
  • Provide a medical certificate from their GP to prove they are or were unable to work.

Is there anything else I should know about the paid Sick Leave scheme?

Annual leave and paid sick leave

It’s important to note that sick leave days cannot count towards an employees’ annual leave, once they meet the Sick Pay scheme requirements. However, if an employee is out of work due to long-term illness, they can carry over the annual leave days they’ve missed due to their illness, for up to a maximum of 15 months.

Public holidays and sick leave

If a full-time employee gets sick during a public holiday, they are entitled to receive sick pay for the public holiday that they’ve missed, or they may be paid for the day as normal. Part-time employees are also entitled to benefit for a public holiday they were on sick leave for, once they’ve worked at least 40 hours over the previous five weeks.

Employees not provided with a paid sick leave scheme

If an employee qualifies for paid sick leave and their employer doesn’t provide a Sick Pay scheme, they have the right to file a complaint to the Workplace Relations Commission. For further information, visit Citizens Information website.

Once the law has commenced, your payroll software should be updated to cater for this new employee entitlement. Here at BrightPay, we work hard in the background to provide you with the latest payroll news and legislative updates. Sign up to our weekly newsletter to stay in the loop. New to BrightPay? We are one of Ireland’s leading providers of payroll software for small businesses. Book a free 15-minute demo to see our award-winning payroll software in action today.

Book a demo


Related articles:

Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinSick Leave/Absence Management

Jul 2022


How the cloud can improve your business’ security


When you process payroll, sensitive employee data can be at risk of becoming lost or damaged. All it takes is one accidental download or a mistyped email address to expose this data to the wrong person.

That’s why cloud payroll solutions are at the forefront of payroll security nowadays. Utilising the cloud in your payroll process means that you can ensure your payroll data is safe. Depending on what payroll software provider you’re using, features can vary across the board. Below, we’ve put together our top three features that we believe cloud payroll solutions should offer, to ensure the complete security of your employees’ payroll data.


1. Automatic backups

Manually backing up your payroll data to an external hard drive or third-party file hosting service can be time-consuming, tedious, and not as secure as you might think. You should be able to backup your payroll data automatically to the cloud, as you use the software. This ensures that, should your computer crash or be stolen, you won’t lose any important data.

Another factor to consider is are these backups being stored on your desktop, or are they being stored on a secure online platform? It is recommended that you store a chronological history of your backups in a secure online location, which keeps your employees’ data safe from harm’s way. This prevents unnecessary panic down the road, should disaster strike, as you know that you can retrieve and download a previous version of your payroll information, at any time.


2. Employer and employee online portals

Have you ever sent a payslip to the wrong employee, or mismanaged annual leave requests? These everyday problems can now be easily resolved with employer and employee portals. Not only are they a great way to increase the security of your payroll data, they also improve your GDPR compliance, as well as your employees’ job satisfaction.

BrightPay’s employer dashboard for example, allows you to view employees’ payslips, upload important HR documents, manage annual leave requests and view any payments that are due to Revenue, all from one secure location. For further information on what BrightPay’s employer dashboard can offer you, please watch this short one-minute video.

BrightPay’s employee app also provides many security benefits, such as allowing employees to update their personal details from anywhere, at any time. Employees can also easily access an archive of all their payslips from the app, readily available to view, print and download. This gives the employee more control over their personal information from a secure online location, which is in line with GDPR best practices.


3. Two-factor authentication

Did you know that Ireland had the highest increase in cyberattacks in Europe last year? That’s why it’s more important than ever before to have extra security measures, such as two-factor authentication, when accessing sensitive data. Two-factor authentication is usually done through phone, email or an authenticator app and involves a code being sent to the user which they will need to input to gain access to the application. This provides an added layer of security, verifying that only those who are authorised to do so, are accessing, and viewing payroll data.


Where can I learn more about the benefits of cloud payroll tools?

BrightPay’s payroll cloud-extension, BrightPay Connect, offers all of the these features mentioned above, along with many other benefits that can enhance your business, whether you have one or 10,000 employees. BrightPay is a leading Irish payroll software for employers and we work hard to provide the most up-to-date and innovative solutions in payroll software, regularly hosting webinars and creating guides on the latest payroll features. Sign upto our newsletter by clicking the link below to stay in the loop, or sign up for a free 15-minute demo to look at our cloud extension in more detail.


Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinBrightPay Connect

May 2022


BrightPay Customer Update: June 22

Welcome to BrightPay's June update. Our most important news this month include:

Free webinar: Integrate your payroll with Surf Accounts [bureau]

Discover how you can reduce errors, save time, and streamline your workflow by integrating your payroll software with Surf Accounts. With this integration, you can send payroll journals directly to your accounting software, in just a few clicks.

Free webinar: The secret to streamline your payroll and payments process [employers]

In our upcoming webinar on the 22nd of June, we will be joined by Tom Kelly from Modulr to discover how you can make payments to employees from within BrightPay.

Easily manage summer annual leave

BrightPay takes the stress out of managing annual leave. With a company-wide calendar and employee portal, you can easily approve holiday requests on the go. The leave will be automatically added to the employee calendar and synchronised to the payroll software.

5 benefits AccountancyManager can bring to your business 

AccountancyManager is an award-winning practice management software that is part of Bright, provider of BrightPay. Take a look at our recent blog to discover the benefits of AccountancyManager, and how it can automate your admin and streamline your onboarding process.

Simplify your bookkeeping processes with Surf Accounts 

Surf Accounts is a cloud bookkeeping software that helps you to streamline accounting processes, and makes it easier for you to keep up with your financial admin. The system offers a dual solution for your invoicing and stock management needs while allowing easy collaboration with your accountant, in real-time.

Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinCustomer Update

May 2022


5 benefits AccountancyManager can bring to your business

Accountancy Manager has recently become part of Bright, provider of BrightPay, one of Ireland’s leading providers in accounting and payroll solutions.

AccountancyManager is an award-winning cloud-based practice management software that has taken the accountancy industry by storm. They automate the most time-consuming tasks for accountants and bookkeepers, so you can spend time on more important tasks at hand.

Their fully customisable management solution allows you to automate your admin and easily import and onboard clients in a jiffy. In just five years of business, it has become one of the UK’s leading onboarding and practice management software. Read more about the history of AccountancyManager here.

Due to the fast-paced nature of the industry, on top of the demand for practice management and process automation, Bright will now provide accountants, bookkeepers and businesses with an end-to-end suite of award-winning software.


What benefits does this merger offer accountants and bookkeepers?

This merger will provide AccountancyManager with access to additional resources, allowing them to continue investing and improving their products and services to exceed customer expectations.

AccountancyManager offers a wide scope of features for accountants, bookkeepers and businesses. These include but are not limited to:


1. Automated client emails and texts

With AccountancyManager you can say goodbye to chasing up client emails. All you have to do is create the email templates for the services you provide, and tell the system when and how often you’d like them to be sent. AccountancyManager will do all the work for you by sending them automatically, making sure they go to the right clients, at the right time.


2. Automate task management

Keep your team organised with AccountancyManager’s automatically generated task lists. These task lists are fully customisable and can be tailored to each member of your team. Each task can be broken down further, with the ability to prioritise importance and are track tasks with ease.


3. Onboarding

AccountancyManager automates your entire client onboarding process. This includes automating proposals and letters of engagements, professional clearance emails, AML checks and risk assessments.


4. Client Portal

Your clients will have access to a free online portal when you join AccountancyManager. In this portal, they can upload and sign documents via e-signatures, as well as having the ability to update their personal details and check deadlines.


5. Profitability

With AccountancyManager, you can track staff costs against your client revenue to see which jobs are the most (and least) profitable for your business. This allows you to identify your strongest profit sources as well as providing you with the opportunity to view revenue, cost of labour, hours, budget profit and actual profit.


*Bonus benefit* Notifications

AccountancyManager keeps you fully informed and up-to-date by notifying you when:

  • Clients upload or sign documents
  • Complete forms or update their details
  • Deadlines are approaching
  • New tasks are assigned to you
  • Any changes made to your tasks

The Client Timeline also keeps a record of every call, text, and email sent, as well as whether or not your client has opened your email.

For further information on the features AccountancyManager can provide your business, please visit the website.


“I have been very impressed with the product offering and the reputation of AccountancyManager and I am delighted that they are joining forces with us. Our respective businesses share the same philosophy; placing the customer journey above all else. Together, we will be well positioned to make that journey even better. I am also delighted to welcome Kevin and James to our highly talented leadership team.”

- CEO of Bright, Paul Byrne


Is AccountancyManager integrated with BrightPay?

This merger won’t be affecting your use of BrightPay payroll software, however now that we are all part of Bright, one of the leading providers of payroll and accounting software in the UK and Ireland, it does present an opportunity for us to explore these options further. So watch this space!

Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinNews

May 2022


BrightPay Customer Update: May 2022

Welcome to BrightPay's May update. Our most important news this month include:

Free webinar: Broaden your service offering like never before [bureaus]

Tedious payroll tasks such as backing up data, annual leave management and payslip distribution can now be more efficient, thanks to cloud technology. In our upcoming webinar, we’ll be discussing how you can use this technology to automate your workflow, broaden your service offering to clients, and most importantly, increase profits.

Free webinar: Streamline your payroll workflow like never before [employers]

As a busy employer, tedious payroll and HR tasks can now be a thing of the past, thanks to cloud technology. Discover how you can automatically back up your data, breeze through annual leave requests and streamline employee communications, in our upcoming webinar this month.

Impress employees with an employee self-service app

Improve employee satisfaction and workplace communications with an employee self-service app. The benefits?

  • A payslip hub where employees can access their entire payslip history, at the tap of a button.
  • Employees can update their personal details, automatically syncing with the payroll software.
  • Employees can request annual leave through the in-app company calendar.

It’s time for your bureau to harness the power of cloud technology 

Cloud technology brings your bureau to the next level. Not only does it make it easier to grow your practice by increasing your service offering, but it also saves you money and improves your time efficiency. Learn how to harness the power of cloud technology for your bureau in the free guide below. 

Streamline time-consuming payroll and HR tasks 

Cloud technology has completely transformed how employers process payroll. This includes streamlining tedious manual tasks such as payslip distribution and annual leave management. Download the guide below to learn how cloud platforms supercharge your payroll workflow today.

Integrate with Surf Accounts for a smoother and easier workflow 

Send your payroll figures directly to the general ledger in Surf Accounts thanks to the power of API technology. This allows both software to communicate with one another, providing you with a smooth and seamless payroll workflow. Save time, hassle, and unnecessary workloads. Click the links below to register for our upcoming webinar and to learn more about how this integration works.

Have you heard the latest news on Auto Enrolment? 

Last month, there was an update in the Dáil about Automatic Enrolment, with the system to be set up by 2023 and enrolments to begin as early as 2024. It's important as a business owner to stay ahead of the curve and start preparing for automatic enrolment now. Here’s everything you need to know so far: 


Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinCustomer Update

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