Additional Employer Information


To access this utility, click Employer. 


Employer Details

Fields available for completing/ editing:


1) Employer Registration Number - this field is mandatory and must be in the format XXXXXXXA (where X is a number and A is a letter). Some Employer Registration Numbers can have an additional letter at the end. 

2) Name - a Trade Name can also be entered here if applicable.

3) Employer Address 

Typical Employee Settings 


This section allows the user to create settings that will be used as the default when adding a new employee. They can of course be changed on an individual basis if required. These settings are:

a) Typical Pay Frequency 

b) Typical Pay Basis

c) Typical Pay Method

d) Typical Leave Year Starts

e) Typical Annual Leave Entitlement Method

f) Typical Annual Leave Days in Year

g) Typical Working Days


Default Payslip options:

Tax refunds - by default, the payroll system will not give a tax refund to an employee who has zero pay. If you wish to give your employees who are on a cumulative basis a tax refund when their pay is zero simply un-tick this box.

Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or [email protected].

Installing BrightPayImporting from Previous YearEmployerEmployeePayrollPayroll DeductionsRe-opening PayslipsAnalysisP30 ReturnsMid-year StartersLeaversHolidaysBenefit in KindIllness BenefitParenting LeavePensionsYear EndBacking Up & Restoring Data FilesGeneralGlossary of Terms