For accountants, bookkeepers and payroll bureaus who are using BrightPay Connect as a multi-company platform, BrightPay Connect can be customised with your bureau settings.
1) Within your BrightPay Connect account, click 'Settings' on your home screen.
2) Enter your 'Bureau Details' - these details will then appear going forward within the employer dashboard of your clients when they log in.
3) Enter your 'Email Signature' - this will be used in automated emails (e.g. when you invite a new user) as well as in email notifications sent to your clients.
4) Click 'Save Changes' on completion.
For employers, BrightPay Connect can be customised as follows:
1) Within your BrightPay Connect Account, click into your Employer Portal and select 'Settings'.
Employer Details
1) Enter your 'Contact Details for Employees' accordingly - the details entered here will be visible to your employees on their Self Service dashboard when they log in to the Cloud themselves.
2) Add 'Your Logo', if required - your logo is displayed to your employees on their login page. JPG, PNG and GIF image file formats are supported.
3) Click 'Save Changes' on completion.
1) If you would like to automatically schedule and send email notifications to your employees when new payroll documents become available, tick the options you would like to enable. You can choose to enable:
Please note: document availability is set according to the rules you have set up in BrightPay on your computer.
2) Click 'Save Changes' on completion.
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