CWPS Report

The CWPS Report is a periodical analysis of Construction Workers' Pension Scheme deductions by an employee and employer. The report can be generated for any one period or for a period range.

To access the Reporting function, click 'Analysis'.

To view the CWPS report on screen, simply click 'CWPS' within the ‘More’ section on the menu toolbar. To run the report without making any changes to the default parameters, select 'Run Report' at the bottom of the screen. 

To make changes to the default parameters of the CWPS Report before viewing:


1)     Under the ‘Report’ section, choose the period or periods you wish to run the report for using the drop down menus.

2)     Select whether you wish to report on ‘Employees’, Department totals’ or ‘Both employees and department totals’.

3)     Next, select the 'Aggregates' you wish to include in the report.

4)     Under the ‘Employees’ section, select which employees you wish to include in the CWPS Report by clicking the 'Add/Remove' button. To save your selection, click OK. Alternatively, click on the Edit button while hovering over an employee’s name for further selection options.

5)     Under the ‘Columns’ section, select the information you would like to include in the CWPS Report by clicking the 'Add/Remove' button. To clear the current settings, simply click ‘None’ at the top of the screen to begin again. To save your selection, click 'OK'.

6)     To re-order the fields selected, simply drag each field to the position required. More ordering options can be found by clicking on the 'Edit' button while hovering over a particular field.

7)     Once you have chosen your report parameters, simply click 'Run Report' to view.

Please Note: The Analysis function also allows for more than one report to be opened and viewed at the same time. This can be done by continuing to select the reports desired from the menu toolbar.



After running the report, should you wish to edit the parameters of the CWPS Report again:

1)     Click 'Edit' on the menu toolbar.

2)     Amend the parameters as desired.

3)     Click 'Run Report' to view again.



If you have edited the default CWPS Report and wish to save the changes for future use, simply select 'Save' on the menu toolbar:

1)     Type in a Report Name of your choice.

2)     Select whether you wish the program to automatically use the latest dates each time the report is opened or to save and use the exact dates you have specified.

3)     Likewise, select whether you wish the program to automatically select all relevant employees each time the report is opened or to save and use the exact employees you have selected yourself.

4)     Should you wish to add the report to the ‘Favourites’ section for future use, simply tick the box provided.

5)     Click Save to save the report. 

6)     To subsequently re-open a report that hasn’t been saved as a favourite, select the ‘Open’ button on the menu toolbar and choose from the listing.


Please note: Once reports have been saved, these can be managed at any time using the ‘Manage Reports’ option on the menu toolbar. This facility provides the option to mark or unmark reports as favourites and to delete any reports no longer needed.



To print the CWPS Report:

1)     Click 'Print' on the menu toolbar and select 'Print Current Report'.... A print preview of the report will be displayed on screen. Press 'Print' again to print out the report.

2)     Should you need to change the orientation, paper size or print margins for the report, these can be amended by clicking 'Print' on the menu toolbar and selecting 'Page Setup'.




To export the report to file (e.g. Excel), to Document or to Clipboard:

1)     Click 'Export' on the menu toolbar and select the desired option.

2)     Save the Report to a location of your choice, if applicable.

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