We have created a free version of BrightPay to aid single-employee companies with their PAYE Modernisation duties. Simply complete the form below and we'll email your licence key to you.
More than one employee? Purchase a standard licence here.
The BrightPay free licence allows just one employee for a single tax year. The one employee limit covers the entire tax year, and is used up even if that employee leaves employment. Once you have registered for a free licence, you will not be entitled to do so again in the current or another tax year.
Free licence customers are not entitled to support via phone – if you require phone support, please consider a standard licence.
If your BrightPay trial has expired, then when you launch BrightPay it will ask for a licence key – simply type or paste in your free licence key.
If your trial has not ended, then the licence screen can be accessed from the Upgrade Licence button on the welcome screen or from Help → Licence after opening an employer file.
Free licence customers are entitled to free email support. Visit our support page to get in touch or email us directly at brightpayirelandsupport@brightsg.com (be sure to check our office opening hours).
If you require phone support, you must purchase a Standard licence.