Jun 2018


BrightPay launch an employee payroll smartphone app

In today’s fast paced environment employees want their payslips at their fingertips. BrightPay’s cloud add-on BrightPay Connect now offers an employee smartphone and tablet app for employees to access their payroll information on the go. The BrightPay Connect app integrates with the BrightPay payroll software application bringing a new level of efficiency and productivity to managers who manage the payroll, leave requests and HR activities. The employee app is available to download for free on any Android or iOS device.

BrightPay Connect offers an online intuitive app, providing employees with the following benefits:

  • Manage and access payroll information on the go
  • View and download current and historic payslips
  • Update and edit personal contact details
  • Submit annual leave and unpaid leave requests 
  • Access an employee leave calendar with approved leave automatically updated
  • View leave taken and leave remaining
  • Store and access HR documents (e.g. company newsletters, contracts of employment)
  • Access the BrightPay Connect employee smartphone & tablet app

BrightPay developed the employee payroll app to improve the payroll processing for accountants, employers and employees. The BrightPay Connect app increases the level of accessibility that employees have to their payroll data while providing innovative features that reduces the overall administrative HR processing time and general payroll related enquiries.

Benefits for Accountants / Payroll Bureaus

Payroll bureaus can now automate the distribution of payslips and eliminate the need to print or email payslips to employees. Employees no longer need to contact their payroll bureaus when they need 6 months’ worth of past payslips when applying for a mortgage or loan. The leave management tool reduces back and forth correspondence between you and your client. All leave requests can now be managed by your client and will automatically be added to the BrightPay payroll software on the bureaus PC. Under the GDPR, it is recommended that you provide individuals with a remote self-service system. BrightPay Connect offers an additional layer of security while providing a self-service app, helping bureaus work towards GDPR compliance.

Benefits for Employers / Payroll Clients

Employers can offer their employees a self-service app offering full transparency when accessing payslips and other personal information. The annual leave management tool allows employers or HR managers to seamlessly process leave requests with changes flowing through to BrightPay payroll software. The employer portal provides an overview of all employee leave in the company-wide leave calendar, ensuring that employers have adequate cover at peak times. The smartphone and tablet app allows employees to seamlessly connect and interact with employers and HR managers, cutting down on employee queries, making it a valuable time-saving tool.

Benefits for Employees

The employee payroll app provides a better control process, improved efficiency and an online platform for your team to manage their payroll information and personal contact details. Employees have instant access to their payroll information including payslips, an employee calendar and an annual leave request facility. Employees can also view their annual leave balance and HR documents such as their contract of employment. The BrightPay Connect app offers enhanced GDPR security for the employee’s personal payroll data. BrightPay Connect is powered using the latest web technologies and hosted on Microsoft Azure for ultimate performance, reliability and scalability.

Click here for a full list of employee app features.

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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byKaren BennettinBrightPay ConnectEmployee Self Service

Jun 2018


PAYE Modernisation: How successful was it in the UK?

It is now over three years since the UK implemented RTI (Real Time Information) which is their equivalent to PAYE Modernisation. Similar to PAYE Modernisation’s objective, RTI was setup to ensure employers and employees will have the most accurate, up-to-date information relating to pay and tax deductions.

Success or Failure?

A recent review of the success of RTI revealed that the system did achieve what it set out to do. RTI has enabled the tax and benefits system to become more responsive than ever before - PAYE payments and debt are dealt with more effectively, and the flow of PAYE payments to the Exchequer has also improved. There have been year-on-year improvements for RTI and in 2016 a study found that 99% of businesses had integrated it into their payroll processes.

Ireland to follow suit...

PAYE Modernisation is to come into force in Ireland in January 2019. It will be the biggest change to the PAYE system since the introduction of PAYE itself. Our UK payroll software, BrightPay UK implemented RTI successfully and streamlines the process. We have the relevant experience to ensure that PAYE Modernisation is just as seamless in Ireland.

If you would like to see what PAYE Modernisation will look like book an online demo today.


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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software


Posted byCailin ReillyinPAYE Modernisation

Jun 2018


What happens if I don’t comply with GDPR ?

The amount of data currently being processed by businesses was unforeseeable way back in the 1990’s when the current Data Protection Regulation was drawn up. Officials recognised that the current rules just weren’t sufficient to handle the current digital era. An updated reform was agreed and GDPR was born.

From May 25th, the GDPR legislation was enforced by data regulators across Europe. As this deadline is passed, it is important to note that every business that stores and manages personal data will be affected by this change.

To help you with your GDPR preparation we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common questions that we get asked:


What is personal data?

Personal data is anything that allows a person to be identified. Some examples would be; name, address, IP address or photo.


What happens if I don’t comply with the GDPR?

One of the most talked about elements of the GDPR is the consequences for non-compliance. Companies that fail to comply can face fines of up to £20 million or 4% of turnover (whichever is greater).


Will the GDPR affect my business?

In short, yes. GDPR will affect every individual and organisation that holds or processes personal data from any individual in the EU.


Can I still email payslips?

Emailing payslips is still perfectly acceptable under the GDPR. However, it is important to consider the security of the payslip. Payroll software, like BrightPay & Thesaurus, will encrypt payslips and automatically delete payslips that are sent from our servers.


How can BrightPay/ Thesaurus help?

Data Protection has always been a priority for BrightPay & Thesaurus. Like all companies, we’ve had to review how we handle data in preparation for the GDPR. Here is a list of resources we’ve put together to aid you on the voyage to becoming compliant with the GDPR:


1. Free GDPR webinars for payroll bureaus and employers
Join us for our free webinar where we will discuss what GDPR is and why employers need to take it seriously.

2. BrightPay & Thesaurus Connect

The GDPR states that where possible individuals should have access to a secure, self-service remote system which would provide direct access to their personal data. BrightPay Connect is a self-service option which will give employees online remote access to view their payroll information at any time.


3. Free GDPR and The Future of Payroll guide
This guide will specifically look at the impact of GDPR on your payroll processing and highlight the biggest areas of concern. We will walk through some important steps to achieve GDPR compliance.


4. Free template: Data Processor Agreement
Whenever a data controller (e.g. a payroll bureau client) uses a data processor (e.g. payroll bureau) there needs to be a written contract in place. The contract is important so that both parties understand their responsibilities and liabilities.


BrightPay Newsletter - Are you missing out?

GDPR is changing how we communicate with you. From May 2018, we will not be able to email you about webinar events, special offers, legislation changes, other group products and payroll related news without you subscribing to our newsletter. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. Don’t miss out - sign up to our newsletter today!


Related Articles:


Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software.


Posted byCailin ReillyinGDPRPayroll Software

Jun 2018


BrightPay Update: June 2018

PAYE Modernisation: Understanding and implementing the new legislation

The way in which we communicate and send payroll information to Revenue is changing. The objective of PAYE Modernisation allows for Revenue, employers and employees to access the most accurate, up-to-date information relating to pay and statutory payroll deductions. PAYE Modernisation will be effective from the 1st of January 2019 and will apply to all employers.

Bureau webinar | Employer webinar

Free Webinar: Payroll Data & GDPR - What you need to know

Employers must take steps to protect and securely manage employees’ personal data to comply with GDPR. Equally, where a business outsources their payroll to a third party (payroll bureau), they are legally obliged to provide assurances to safeguard the payroll information they manage on behalf of their clients. Places are limited.

Register here

How has BrightPay prepared for GDPR?

Data Protection has always been a concern for BrightPay and we have always aimed to act with complete integrity in this regard. In preparation for GDPR, we have had to complete a total review on how we gather, maintain and use data. We have taken steps to securely protect our customers information including increased encryption, securely deleting files from our servers and updating our privacy policies in line with GDPR.

Key changes | Updated privacy policy

PAYE Modernisation - The Facts

PAYE Modernisation is a mandatory payroll requirement that will be introduced from the 1st January 2019. It won’t change the way you calculate your PAYE information, it just means that you will need to send your data through to Revenue in real time. Every time you pay your employees (i.e. each pay period), you will need to submit PAYE information to Revenue, through an API link via your payroll software.

Read full article | Register for webinar

BrightPay Connect’s NEW Employee Smartphone App

BrightPay’s employee self-service smartphone and tablet app is available with our cloud add-on BrightPay Connect. The advancement of employee mobile apps offers many different advantages for employers, employees, and the business as a whole. For employers and HR Managers, the user-friendly portal will streamline payroll processing while reducing the number of payroll queries from employees.

Find out more | Book a demo

GDPR - What to include in your template Data Processor Agreement

Whenever a data controller uses a data processor there needs to be a written contract in place. The contract is important so that both parties understand their responsibilities and liabilities. The GDPR sets out certain information which needs to be included in the contract.

Find out more | Template Data Processor Agreement

How BrightPay Connect can help with GDPR!

Where possible, the data controller should offer self-service remote access to a secure system providing individuals with access to their personal data. BrightPay Connect is a self-service option which provides online access 24/7. Employees can view and download current and historic payslips, P45’s and P60’s. Annual leave can also be requested which flows through as a notification for the employer to approve. Employee contact information can be edited and updated, keeping records accurate at all times. For payroll bureaus, clients can instantly access payslips, payroll reports, an employee leave calendar and amounts due to Revenue.

Read more here | Book a demo


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Posted byKaren BennettinCustomer UpdateGDPR

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